Publications of the Meeting
History of 57th Street Meeting of Friends, 1931-1956, edited by Harold W. Flitcraft, 1957. Compiled for 25th anniversary. (3.5M PDF, Print quality 7.0M PDF)
History of 57th Street Meeting, 1955-1980: Presented on the occasion of the 50th anniversary celebration, by Michael Seadle. (517K, Print quality 1.2M PDF)
Memories of 57th Street Meeting on Its 75th Anniversary. Memories and short history of meeting by various current and former community. Compiled for 75th anniversary celebration. (217K PDF)
Deepening and Strengthening Our Meeting for Worship. Reflections by 57th Meeting community on Meeting for Worship. Compiled for use in Meeting retreat. (391K PDF)
History of the Chicago Meeting of Orthodox Friends edited by Marjorie Hill Allee. Compiled from Monthly Meeting Minutes, 1898-1921. (1.6M PDF, Print quality 15M PDF).
Are Your Meetings Held in the Life? (105KPDF) In 1956, Mary Cadbury, a member of 57th Street Meeting, was part of an evening panel at the joint WYM/ILYM winter Chicago-Fox Valley Quarterly Meeting. The panel was titled “Are Your Meetings Held in the Life?: The Relation of the Meeting for Worship to the Life of the Society.” Her pointed remarks and questions regarding the “lacks” in meetings still speak to our condition today. Back in 1956, 57th Street Meeting approved the printing and distribution of her presentation which is now available on the 57th Street Meeting website.
From Progresiv Publshr
Meeting Histories in the Area of Chicago General Meeting, by Kenneth Ives, Progresiv Publishr, 1988. (1.4M PDF, Print quality 2.9M PDF)
Black Quakers: Brief biographies edited by Kenneth Ives, Progresiv Publishr, 1981. (coming soon)
Emancipation without war: if some Friends (Quakers) had organized for compensated emancipation, could they have prevented the Civil War? (with some implications for today for criminal justice, abortion, and programs of American Friends Service Committee) by Kenneth Ives, Progresiv Publishr, 1993. (coming soon)