What you entered into a search box will be the text that will be searched for in the database. Capitalization does not matter. Generally it is better to only enter one word in a search box.
Entering more than one word in a search box:
Entering two words in one box (for example “Meeting Worship”) will return records that contain those words next to each other and in the order entered.
Exact phrase check box:
Entering “peace” will return “peace” as well as “peacemaking”, “peacekeeping”, and “peaceable.” Check the box if you only want returns with just “peace.”
Title searches:
If you know two keywords in the title and not sure what other word may be between them or the order of them, try entering one word in the title search box and the other word in the keyword box.
Author searches:
Author names are in the format of “LastName, FirstName.” If you are looking for a book by Rufus Jones and enter “Rufus Jones,” no records will be found. You would need to enter “Jones, Rufus” (including comma).
Call Number searches:
As an aid for doing call number searches, following is a partial list of some Quaker topics.
Community/Life of the Meeting, General: BX7630
Equality Testimony: BX7645, BX7646, BX7647
Faith & Practice and Disciplines: BX7690
Inner Light: BX7603
Integrity/Truth Testimony: BX7650
Meeting: BX7620
Meeting for Worship: BX7621
Meeting for Worship with a Concern for Business: BX7622
Membership: BX7631
Overview and Introduction to Quaker Faith and Belief, General: BX7601
Peace Testimony: BX761, BX7642
Poetry, Quaker: BX7770, BX7771
Quaker History, General: BX7700
Simplicity Testimony: BX7652
Spiritual Journey and Development, General: BX7610
Stewardship Testimony: BX7654
Testimonies, General: BX7640